Interventions and exercises used in therapy and counseling of anxiety, depression, trauma as well as sports mental health areas are mindfulness, relaxation and guided imagery. These interventions help a person to calm the restless mind, offer moments of relief from whatever is going on and allow a targeted focus of attention. The following 2 links provide websites which offer various free auditory and visual tools to help you sleep better, decrease your anxiety levels, help you ground yourself or just give you a break from a stressful day. Try it out and feel free to leave some feedback to let me know if this was helpful.
The evidence on EMDR in PTSD treatment →
Have you heard about EMDR as treatment option for people suffering from PTSD and other trauma related anxiety disorders? EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It has shown to produce quick improvements for clients suffering from symptoms like flashbacks, hyperarousal, triggers that cause intense feelings of fear related to a traumatic event, etc. This article discusses some questions of controversy regrading EMDR answered by its founder Francine Shapiro herself. For more information feel free to visit my website.
PTSD and its generational effects. →
Did you know that trauma can be transmitted over generations? This article in psychology today explains some of the reasons. EMDR therapy and other mental health treatments can help to stop this generational transmission process. Call today for more information.